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Hi! Currently 3w4d, how early did you or do you plan to tell immediate family (parents,siblings)? Itching to tell someone but I’m sooo early.
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I didn't have a choice in telling my mom lol, walked into her house with my son and as soon as the smell of what she was cooking hit me I had to run outside gagging. I came back in and she just had her eyebrows raised in that knowing way and I just nodded😂
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I’m thinking of telling my parents tomorrow. I’m 6w3d and my husband said it’s really my call he doesn’t wanna tell his family till after our first ultrasound on 1/17 which I understand as we had an early loss in October so we’re very cautious tho my line progression has given us a lot of hope!
My mom’s been goin through it recently and I think she could use the good news but she also has no idea about our loss in October.
Right now my sister in law is the only one who knows cause I needed her advice on if there was a second line on a test cause my husband was telling me no lol
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Tell as soon as you’re ready! We are telling the next time we see our parents in person (I’ll be 4w3d). We had a pretty traumatic loss this summer and decided we want to celebrate this baby immediately and have a community ready to support us if things end the way our last did.
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A little different for me - we did IVF and our entire immediate family knew the day we were transferring, so they knew we would know the outcome 10 days later haha. We liked keeping them in the loop and having them for support along our IVF journey. We had multiple failed transfers and I think going through it without any support would’ve been really hard. With this last (successful) transfer, we got blood work confirmation on Christmas Eve. We got to show up to the family Christmas party and tell everyone our good news!
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hi! I was hoping someone would contribute who had also done IVF. I’m 4 weeks and 6 days and this is my first pregnancy and first transfer. Having already done the genetic testing, and having many friends and family members know, like you, that I was having the transfer, I very cautiously feel like it’s ok to share the news, but I’ve been so hesitate outside of immediate family! Should I be? I’m still worried about something happening, but I’m not sure whether I should be or not. Of course it’s ultimately a personal preference but I wonder how other ladies doing IVF feel about whether revealing the news early is still risky or less risky because you already have a lot of information about your embryo?
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hi! I think do whatever you feel comfortable doing! I’m 6 weeks and It’s still so early that even with IVF there are things that could go wrong, but on the flip side, I think about who I’d want in my corner for support if something did go wrong. We had a mmc last year and there were some friends that I had to tell I was pregnant and miscarried at the same time. It was hard! This time, almost all of my close friends knew about the transfer and are rooting us on. I also told some of my coworkers who I’m close with, because they also knew the journey we had been on. But I won’t be announcing it on social or anything for a while! At least until I’m past the first trimester. I’d love to wait until halfway, but this is my second and I think I’ll be showing earlier this time around!
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thank you!! This is helpful ��
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I’ve had so many miscarriages and have made the mistake of telling my close friends and family I was pregnant each time early. Then I had to also tell them that I miscarried and that sucked. But I then also had support to go through those miscarriages. But this time around, I don’t feel the urge to tell anyone. I told my husband (obviously), my best friend (to vent and have support), and my mom (because I’ll need her to watch my 2 year old when I go to my fertility doctor for frequent bloodwork and scans). But I don’t want to tell anyone else this time around. It’s a very personal choice.
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I told my parents early, the day before our first beta (tests were darkening really well, my parents have been really supportive through our infertility) but my partner wants to wait until the scan to share with their parents.
First baby for both of us, technically second pregnancy as we has a chemical in March, but I’m a fan of having the support if we need it.
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This is my second pregnancy, and both times told immediate family the day of/that week. I did it because I want the support if something happens. Anyone I told early I was okay with knowing bad results.
Just do whatever feels right for you ❤️
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I’m waiting until my first ultrasound to tell immediate family!
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I told them the day after I found out �� only my immediate family though
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I am telling my two best friends who are like sisters to me in a couple weeks (around 7 weeks in) and then parents and in laws after first US which is around 9 weeks
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